IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Latin America Conference and Exposition - IEEE PES T&D-LA 2014, Medellín (Colombia). 10-13 septiembre 2014
In this article the program of recharging Electric Vehicles (EVs) in power distribution systems is proposed, based on a mathematical model of non-linear programming. The solution consists in finding the optimal power of recharge of the EVs in order to minimize the costs associated to energy losses of the system, and the impact of the chargeability of the lines. The study is done during a period of time between 18:00 and 07:00 in which several subperiods with priority factors of recharge are established. In this manner the customer previously decides the subperiod in which the EV will be recharged. In addition to this, energy price sensitivity is conferred to the mathematical model, becoming an important parameter for recharging the EVs at time intervals where the energy price is low. A residential distribution system from the specialized literature is used to validate the mathematical model, considering different insertion levels of EVs in the system.
Palabras clave: Chargeability, energy losses, level of insertion of EVs, program of recharging of EVs
Publicado en IEEE PES T&D-LA 2014, pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-4799-6251-8
Fecha de publicación: 2014-11-13.
A. Arias, G. Marulanda, C. Puentes, R. A. Hincapié, M. Granada, Optimal charging schedule of Electric Vehicles considering variation of energy price, IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Latin America Conference and Exposition - IEEE PES T&D-LA 2014, Medellín (Colombia). 10-13 septiembre 2014. En: IEEE PES T&D-LA 2014: Conference proceedings, e-ISBN: 978-1-4799-6251-8